Pura Raza Espanola Spanish Andalusian Horses

Of all the horses on Earth, the Spanish are the most intelligent, the most likeable, gentlest, most trainable, noblest and most beautiful.

The Horse of Kings

“Poetry the rhythm of their forelegs, their manes singing alegria. They have travelled down more centuries and galloped across more countries than any other horse, still today they have the same capacity for advanced schooling and the same unquestioning surrender to their rider, it is a creature which renounces its own existence and lives only for the will of its master”

Cantarero VII

Bay 16.2hh. Our stud stallion producing stock of the highest level in looks, confirmation and temperament and ability. Known at twemlows as super sperm, his frozen semen is A1.

Semen £300

Altanera CX


Outstanding flea bitten grey brood mare, standing 15.2hh and producing outstanding stock.

Mercedes imported in 1998 as a 2 year old from next to Vicos Estate of the Military Stud between Jerez and Arcos De La Frontera, Spain.

Altanera CX

Outstanding Bay Brood Mare, 15.2hh. Military and escalera bloodlines.


Babiog Dannyboy

Welsh Cob Stallion by Derwen Railway Express black 15.2hh. Overall ridden junior supreme champion at the WPCS centenary show. A real ridden champion beating all the sections and sexes.

Castizo XXXIII

By Bodeguero XX. Out of Castiza XX. Born:2004, Height: 16hh, Colour: Black. Spanish approved for Breeding. Outstanding breeding & temperament.